So hey and that! I'm waving at you all.
What a frickin' weekend.
Firstly a huge thank you to my parents who put the five of us up over the weekend and produced bacon sandwiches every morning, and enjoyed themselves so much just by the ice cream van every night.
Best Festival ever? Very possibly, my festivals spent with the The Giant and ZE fade into the memory, and this was a new experience with the Ledgers. For line up, no it wasn't, but we very definitely made up for that.
Friday was dance night, Tini Tings, Pendulum, Basement Jaxx and the Prodigy. The Tings were ace, a nice surprise, and Pendulum just rocked out, I even knew most of their stuff. Basement Jaxx were great too, but Prodigy are getting a little old, and have lost much of their threat. The menace is gone Keith, you just don't frighten me anymore.
For AT it was all about the music on Saturday night and it didn't disappoint. I was impressed with White Lies, I will 'pick up' their album, but Maximo Park were just fantastic. Paul Smith's band just get better and better each time I see them. Razorlight were next and were also a bit of highlight having toned down the over the top eight minute versions of their songs from the last time they did the Isle of Wight. The Stereophonics were next and whilst a good solid band with a decent back catalogue they aren't a big band for me. 1000 Trees was ace though as was Just Lookin'. Kelly Jones is so little.
Sunday was ace too. The Script were a bit surprising, I had no idea I knew any of their stuff, but the Pixies stole the Festival for me. Just fantastic and even better for the banter between Frank Black and Kim Deal. This monkey went to heaven.
So that was the music then but Festivals are all about the other stuff:
The big wheel, Cat being there for Sat and Sunday, the dodgems, the weird Guitar Hero girl, having water thrown at my crotch by little Annie Owen, theboycheese whistling with his tongue, AT waving at my ex, meeting Debs, seeing Rick and Katy, meeting up with Lisa, seeing Sophie Jeffery, watching my 75 year old step father getting into Razorlight, taking HH with ZE, getting through a fest without bumping into an ex (not you Zo), stories of pisshoes, stories of blokes falling in the toilets, my Mum getting down the front for Will Young, the Pixies... that's music again... nah the Pixies are just one of my favourite bands ever and they made my festival.
There are a whole host of pics up on facebook, so if you want to see them they are up for 'everyone' to see.
An amazing weekend then. One to remember. The Ledgers did festival. And the Festival did us proud on that strange lovely Island I call home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The journey home was a bitch though.
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