Thursday, 20 January 2011

Sorry, I Forgot

Work and life kind of crashed into me this week and I woke up, fully intending to do an Iconthursday and then like completely forgot and everything.  Douche.  Lazy douche.

I was a lil bit amazed by all the attention the site got last night on the Caravan post, stared at the stats for 20 minutes and then went to work.  Dreaming of world domination.

If you've not read AT's Blue Valentine review yet on Live for Films go do it.  The little buggers writing gets better and better.  Damn him.  Press the like button.  We like that.

So, because I'm supposed to be being lazy on a Wednesday and I wasn't, I will be now.  Here's my 100th favourite song from the Top 100 of all Time.  Why's it on the list?  Errr, divorce and that... I think.  They were one of her favourite bands and I really fell in love with the album post that.

Plus you know, there's no Iconthursday and this will make you feel suitably sad about it.  Here's the Spotify link for those of you that prefer to listen in decent quality.

Mellow Doubt - Teenage Fanclub.  Lovely.  Enjoy.  I'm off for a nap.

I think we'll call this my most scatter shot post of all time... then again you could go and look at my first one... nah, don't do that.

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